Thursday, July 15, 2010

Coming to the end now...what's next?

Goodness, my stay in China is almost up. Just have 2 weeks and coupla more days to go before heading back to KL. This working visit sure has made me realize how much i like my homeground. At least most things that happen there are within expectations.

But to re-evaluate the entire trip up to's been pretty ok i'd say. Being a city boy, and used to having my creature comforts and environment where i feel safe; to suddenly be put into a location where you experience sensory overload almost everyday just from having to translate and re-translate stuff...i'd rather have the same old boring stuff in exchange for all the culture shock. Can only be glad that i'm going home (cue "Home" from Buble or Daughtry...whichever you like. LOL)

I guess, the older you get, the more resistant you are to changes in life. Used to think i can adopt to foreign places pretty well, but somehow this time, i feel i'd rather choose the status quo. There's comfort in something familiar that you already know, and that compared to the (promisedly wonderful) unknown quantity awaiting, is definitely a huge advantage.

And to think that you've learnt life lessons from whatever has happened...well think again. There's more stuff to learn if you bother to take a second look. And nobody's perfect, especially yourself. Eating humble pie has never been so unappetizing...but it's good for ya!

Dear home...welcome me back. To be finally in someplace where i have my things in the exact place i put them...that's something i look forward to. Can't wait!


  1. Ya, i guess it's an interesting experience to spend several months in a foreign land, but unless u can really fall in love with that city, it's still best to return to familiar territory in the end. I've never been to china, but somehow, the appeal really isn't there...

  2. It's an experience i rather do without :P just happy that it's coming to an end.
