Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who's to blame?!?

Earlier (20-30 mins ago) i was in Starbucks, having a drink when there were loud horn sounds emanating from the outside. Curious to find out what happened, i did the usual Malaysian "8" thing and went outside to have a peek.

A modded Waja was blocking the path of a bus passing through the road. Considering that the car wasn't supposed to park there in the first place, i was thinking "what a stupid driver to park there". But, the story only gets more exciting...

A group of 10 guys, driver included, got down from the bus, and started pushing and shoving the offending car to move so to make more way for the bus to pass through. When i saw this, the exact thought going through my mind was "WTH is going on?!?".

Yes, the farker parker should have had more brains than to park his/her car that out to obstruct passing traffic; but the bus driver and passengers shouldn't have had taken things into their own hands. 2 wrongs NEVER make a right. Guess at the end of the day, vigilante justice was served and the majority pushed on with their agenda.

Lesson learnt : Don't EVER park stupidly. Especially in KL. Unless if you intend to suffer from the same consequences as the driver who did this silly act today.

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