Friday, April 30, 2010

(untitled...just a birthday posting)

Finally, the (dreaded?) moment has come and gone, and i've officially stepped into the 29th year of my existance. (30 if you count using chinese calendar). Whether i like it or not. As the seconds ticked past, marking the passing of midnight, strangely enough, i was neither thrilled nor depressed...just felt a wave of calmness washing over me. The realization dawned on me that it is another day (not just any, mind you), and so happened it is also the day on which yours truly was born (donkey years ago...or so it seems).

With another year tucked firmly under my belt, i can only look forward to the (unknown? exciting? unpredictable?) future and hope for the best, while keeping my head screwed on tight. Not to sound tired and jaded, but after learning life lessons, you can't help but to become wiser as you age and yet not remain as naive as before. So the safest bet would be to remain cautiously optimistic. Life's FAR too SHORT to not live it to the fullest potential (of course, within limitations and budget, etc, you get the idea...). And of course, to take things day by day.

Birthday wishes are always best kept privy, but to all readers, let me say this: Thank you again, for bringing value into my life, whichever phase it was in. As each of us pursues the race of life, it's always good to have fellow runners alongside, spurring each other on. And if our path sunders, then we need to pursue that road we must take. Of course, who knows if in the future, we may cross paths again?? It has truly been a priviledge for me to have known all of you, and for all the well wishes, THANK YOU from deep down my heart. It really touched me a lot to receive the messages :)

Here's to a fruitful friendship, and looking forward to more good times! Cheers everyone!


  1. happy belated birthday! am kinda surprised to hear u're only 29, cos u sound like u're in your 30s at least, based on the maturity in your writing :D

  2. Thanks Sean :) i'm flattered that you think i sound mature...LOL. Really. Yep will do say hello if and when i see you in BSC.
